Saturday, April 5, 2014


You know you're not single anymore...when (as an addendum to this morning's post) your wife looks at you and says "I've got this, go back to bed, get some rest and spend the rest of the day catching up on your work to a quiet house."...You normally would protest but you realize you are exhausted and more sleep is exactly what you need....In fact, you wonder how in the world did your wife survive with two kids without falling into a sleep coma at least once a month?!...Two hours later you feel much better and have a clear mind on how to tackle the stuff you need to do...the house is indeed quiet and in the back of your mind you really do miss your family...but you push forward to get your work done for you can't wait to have some uninterrupted time with them this evening!

Saturday Events

You know you're not single anymore...when you get up early on Saturday mornings because your children have a function/game/event...Does anyone remember the Sabbath and keep it holy anymore?!? Especially when the "Sabbath" used to mean Friday nights to Saturday nights?!?...You think it would be beneficial to society if no children's events occur before noon on least it would be beneficial to your sleep cycle.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Birds and the Bees

You know you're not single anymore...when you breathe a sigh of relief knowing that your wife has already taken care of the "birds and the bees" speech with your son quite some time ago well before your wedding...however you never anticipated there would be "follow-up" questions and when those questions randomly pop up at the most unusual times your wife is quick to say to both you and your son, "The next time you have some guys' time that would be a good time to discuss that!" fact, your son has a perfect memory (when he chooses to) and the next time you're alone with him that is the first thing he asks you begin to think,"It's never a dull moment around here!"...You just wish he could remember to do his chores as easily!

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Breakfast With Your Son

You know you're not single anymore...when you normally get up to a quiet house as you get ready for work but today you look up and are greeted by your son..."What are you doing up?" you ask.  "Can I have breakfast with you?" he quickly go through your routine and meet your son for a bowl of Cheerios...You think about the little interactions that happen every day...especially the nightly exercises, devotions, and prayer time you have with your son every day...You pray that the memories you are creating will be with him for a long time....You love your new life as a father and you hope you can be an example your son will follow in the future for his kids one day.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Empty Cereal Boxes

You know you're not single anymore....when you reach for a box of your favorite cereal in the pantry and realize that the box is after a few murmurs under your breath you reach for your second favorite box of cereal and that is empty, too...Does anyone throw away empty cereal boxes anymore???....A few more murmurs later you finally end up with a cereal that your wife loves and is way too "healthy" for your own then go to the refrigerator and discover that there's only a gulp of milk in the gallon container of milk you bought just two days ago....What the heck?!?....You remember that you were also at the grocery store even yesterday to pick up some food and would have easily picked up some more cereal and milk had their empty boxes and containers been removed from the pantry and you wonder, why does it occur to anyone to put empty containers back in the pantry/fridge?...Ah, you forgot Kid's Code Rule #27: You can never be the last one to eat or drink something; always leave a microscopic amount in the box so that you can never be blamed for finishing off the item!...You wonder where you can buy a copy of the Kid's Code Rule Book soon!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Facebook Merge

You know you're not single anymore...when heck, your wife just took over your Facebook page! did agree to "share" a new page but you know that social media will never be the same again...just for the record, any "Pinterest" posts are not mine....but with all kidding aside, that's ok because you do realize your identity is now changed for the and your wife have recently integrated your social lives and now you are publicly and enthusiastically acknowledging the change.

Monday, March 31, 2014


You know you're not single anymore....when you realize one of the best things you can do right now is be consistent...because any deviation from the norm sends mixed messages....and be especially careful with your prior habit of sarcasm!...because your kids will always take what you say on face value first...While you are at it, you might want to curtail embellishments and exaggerations for a while, realize this when everything you've ever said to the kids will get repeated back, probably out of context, back to your find yourself saying quite a bit, "Dear, what I meant was..." now know you have human voice recorders living in your you intentionally make sure you tell your kids how much you love their mother.