Saturday, August 16, 2014

Movie Theater Date Night

You know you're not single anymore...when you send the kids to the movies so that you can have a 70 minute date with your wife...You time it just right so that you can drop the kids off and pick up a dinner already made for the two of you on the way home...You enjoy a leisurely dinner and some conversation without two curious kids at the dinner table...Ah...That's well worth it!...Now, what's playing next week that the kids can see then?

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Camping Preparations

You know you're not single anymore...when you prepare for your camping trip with your son for this weekend...You're not quite sure what to expect...But you figure there will be plenty of fishing, swimming, and an honest attempt of cooking around the fire...You do know that he's become everything you've ever wanted in a son and you pray that you will guide him gently, lovingly, yet firm in principles and in personal fortitude...He still calls you "Padre" but you know he's saying "Dad" every time he says that.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Cliff jumping

You know you're not single anymore...when you jump off of a cliff into water because your son wanted you to go cliff jumping with him... Of course, you've had a pseudo fear of heights for most of your adult life...and it literally took you over 45 minutes to work up the nerve to jump off of the low level cliffs while your son raced to the level that was twice as high...You kept reminding yourself that jumping off of a cliff should not be more nerve racking than proposing, getting married, and becoming a father of two teens in one year....You're glad you got through your fears and survived...but your son says that you've got to try the high level cliffs next...maybe next time.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014


You know you're not single anymore...when your wife keeps you organized with the family calendar...You realize you are always busy between your daughter's softball games, your son's football games, chores around the house, grocery shopping, etc....Sometimes you don't even realize whether you are coming or going...Yet you can quickly look at the family calendar and every event is clearly marked out in detail...You never knew you needed a secretary to keep your life straight, but your wife is definitely keeping everything in order!

Monday, August 11, 2014

Hidden Chocolates

You know you're not single anymore...when you hide Reese's Peanut Butter Cups in your dresser drawer to surprise your wife at unexpected times...You've figured she doesn't mind getting a little surprise every now and then before she goes to bed...She never asks where they come from...but then a week later you find out that she's found your secret chocolate stash for her because there's a couple of empty wrappers in the waste paper figure it's better to play the "don't ask, don't tell game!"