Saturday, June 21, 2014

Short Time

You know you're not single anymore...when you realize that you have such little time to be with your kids before they go off to college...You figure out that you have 3 years with your daughter and 6 years with your son...You know every moment is important and you cherish the time you do have with them...You don't sweat the small stuff but you do make sure the kids know what are the most important life lessons and values you can teach them in this short time period...You also figure you have 6 years of investment now for one day they will decide where you will live when you need them!

Friday, June 20, 2014

The Man Cave

You know you're not single anymore...when your office at home has become your son's "man cave"...At first you had your computer, desk, chair, bookshelves, and a printer....But then the Wii and Playstation were brought into the room with an extra tv...Next thing you know your son is taking your chair at the desk to sit and play the game stations in front of the tv...You actually don't care because you love having him in the room while you work and it's better than him staying in his room all day...Although when he started calling the office, his "man cave," you know it's a matter of time before the room is never going to be thought of as an office ever again!

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Action Movies

You know you're not single anymore...when you get to take your son to see all the good action flicks that come out during the then have someone to share about the best scenes of the movies...Your daughter, on the other hand, enjoys the chick flicks with her friends and doesn't care for the action movies...So you have guys time every Friday night if possible...You do chuckle when your kids debate about which movies are the best...Your son's arguments are definitely memorable: "Godzilla saves cities and people and is just's so much better than the chick flicks like "The Fart in Our Stars! [sic]"...after which your daughter just rolls her eyes at her brother.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Phone Calls

You know you're not single anymore...when you are out of town and you get goodnight phone calls from both your wife and your daughter....your son, well, he can be excused because he's up all night hunting for frogs and snakes at his friend's wonder if frog legs really do taste that good at 3:30 AM and you've been missing out all these seriously think you'll never really find out...Meanwhile, you enjoy hearing about your family's day and can't wait to talk to them later tonight.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014


You know you're not single anymore...when leaving to go teach at Governor's Honors for a month is extremely difficult...In the past, this time of year, your dog would get in a funk because he knew you would be leaving for a while...but this year the reality of being gone is hitting you...Last January, your wife and kids gave their blessings for you to go teach for your 10th summer in the program, in which you cautiously agreed to teach...Now, after 4 months of living together, you pray this summer is a good one, but that it will go by quickly, too...You ask for God's protection upon your family while you are gone and you can't wait to see them this evening on Skype...At least you've had plenty of experience with long distances and talking on Skype with your family before the wedding and you're glad technology will help keep your family in touch!

Monday, June 16, 2014


You know you're not single anymore...when you realize how easily it is to embarrass your teenage kids...It is not that you always do it on purpose but they will quickly let you know they are embarrassed...You notice that you have to pass inspection each day before you go out so that your clothes are "normal"...and don't ever sing in public, it brings too much attention to you and your kids...Yet, you know you got your kids when you dress in character, 'Elmer', with overalls and buck teeth for a summer camp rodeo for teens at your wife's camp where she works...every time you got close to your kids they would move out of the area faster than a squirrel being chased by a dog....In fact your son comes to you the next day and says "Padre', please don't ever dress up again at camp!"...Without hesitation, you look at him and say "I'll be glad to dress up as 'Elmer' and visit you at school!" see the utter horror on his face is priceless...Ah, the joys of parenthood!