Saturday, July 25, 2015

New Titles

You know you're not single anymore...when your son calls you "Old Man", your wife calls you "Papa J" and your daughter gets your attention with "dude" all in the span of two days...Of course you respond to your son by putting him in a full nelson wrestling hold until he admits his "Old Man can still take him down!" he is released, your son replies with a sly smirk "for now!"...To your daughter, well, she immediately realizes what she has said and apologizes profusely...You say to her, "It's ok...I'll remember this when you are in my Pre-Calculus class at school!" in which case she looks mortified...Finally, to your wife, well you start to say "Mama J" but she has that look that says "you better not go there" you accept life as it is.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015


You know you're not single anymore...when you notice that your son's "OCD" and your "OCD" start converging...Not that either one of us really have "OCD" but we do have "quirks" about organization...and you realize that your son has adopted your way of how to put dishes in the dish washer and how the dishes should be stacked a certain way in the cabinet...and how the glasses work better if they are organized instead of randomly placed in the cabinet...Your wife has noticed this, too, and she refers to your son as a "mini-me" of you when it comes to dishes...Your daughter, on the other hand, is oblivious to you and your son's system and puts dishes in the most convenient place in the dish washer!

Monday, July 20, 2015


You know you're not single anymore...when you realize your truck is more like a taxi service for your kids...You understand that you have to get up early tomorrow on a summer day to take your son to football practice...You also understand that you have to pick up your daughter from work in the late evening...Meanwhile, there are several trips during the day just to pick up supplies for your kids' projects or food for their meals...Sometimes you do look forward to when they can drive themselves, but you have a feeling you'll be concerned about their safety then as well...Meanwhile, you spend a lot of time trying to figure out a schedule that you and your wife can handle to get everyone where they need to go!

Movie Marathon

You know you're not single anymore...when you and your son have a movie marathon of action flicks...Your wife enjoys a good movie, too, but she would have stopped at only one movie...You and your daughter do not have the same movie tastes since she is into chick flicks only!...So, at times, you and your son enjoy a weekend of 4 or 5 good movies, especially when they are a series (like Lord of the Rings or Batman)....You enjoy not just watching the movie, but the conversations about scenes you loved and which movie had the best action shots...You love when you discover something that both of you enjoy doing together!