Saturday, August 22, 2015

Late Nights

You know you're not single anymore...when your daughter works late and even though you could go to bed, you're staying up just to make sure she gets home ok...You realize you're not comfortable until all of your family are home or at someone's home when it's late...You are happy you take care of the truck your daughter drives and it was worth the money to put the new tires on it recently...Meanwhile you go back to doing something productive while you watch the clock waiting for her to get home!

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Earl Grey Science Experiment

You know you're not single anymore...when you look up and realize your son is using your Earl Grey Tea as a science experiment...There has to be at least ten different teas that he could have used, but no, it has to be Earl Grey...You think you might do a science experiment with Hershey's Chocolate Syrup just to teach him the value of what Earl Grey means to you as much as Hershey's means to him...but instead you bite your tongue and watch the experiment (which was cool by the way) and thank him for sharing with you...In fact you don't ever discourage him from sharing with you in any way what is important to him.