Friday, May 16, 2014


You know you're not single anymore...when your wife looks at you and says you have a hair that needs to be plucked from your say "OK" but she insists on plucking it herself...that's fine, but you get suspicious when she says "let me get my kit"...Wait, there's a kit for this???...As she starts, she says "that looks better, but I think this needs to be trimmed up a bit"...22 minutes later you have gone through the most excruciating pain the end of this torture, she has totally reshaped your eyebrows (admittedly for the better) but there's now a red mark where you used to have hair..."The red mark will be gone by the morning, now aren't you glad you're got a wife to take care of you?", your wife says with a wink and a think in the future you will say "no" to anything that requires a kit!....But yes, you are immensely grateful your wife does care for you and even how you look.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

All Boxed Up

You know you're not single anymore...when you are living out of boxes preparing for the big move...For 12 years, you have turned your first house into a home...but it never really came alive until the last three months...a house that had plenty of space for you and your dog has become crowded with a family of four and a are excited for the move but you recognize how big a step this is to you...Meanwhile, you wonder where the cereal bowls are...oh yeah, those got packed up yesterday!

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Waffle House

You know you're not single anymore...when you've taken your son to Waffle House enough times that the waitress already knows what you want for your orders!...You and your son always go to Waffle House when he goes to work with you...except today, your son asks if you would wake him up, take him to Waffle House, and bring him back home so that he can sleep in a bit more...this is okay with you because the whole point is not Waffle House but him desiring to get up to eat breakfast with you in the know that there may come a day when sleeping in will be more tempting than eating breakfast with his "Padre" but you are thankful that he still wants to spend that time with you...and you definitely don't miss the days when you were single and ate alone!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014


You know you're not single anymore....when your wife informs you that you do indeed snore when you sleep....At first you are in denial because no one has ever said you have snored before but then how would they know...then second you say it must have been a fluke thing...but then your wife says you do it every you start to feel bad and apologize...she says "no worries, I wake you up and you stop"...but you never remember ever being waked realize that you don't remember anything after the time you go to tell your wife that at least you are glad you don't talk in your sleep...your wife looks at you and playfully says "well, about that...." now know that there are things about yourself you never even realized.

Monday, May 12, 2014

New Teacher

You know you're not single anymore...when your son tries to "teach" you all the things he thinks you don't know doesn't matter what the topic is about...from the music of Michael Jackson to how to cast a fishing line or roll up a sleeping bag properly...sometimes you gently remind him that you grew up in the 80's or went fishing with your grandfather when you were younger or went camping often....other times you just let him explain away...You think how your son is learning how to communicate effectively and that he is choosing to communicate his world to are grateful that he is open to you because in his "teaching" you know also he is listening and learning from you, too.