Saturday, March 28, 2015

Lawn Mowing Business

You know you're not single anymore...when you help your son start a lawn mowing service and he starts to dream about the new $6,000 lawn mower he wants to save up for two years from now...You're thinking that's a lot of lawns to mow between now and then!...You're also thinking that's a lot of driving for you to transport him to those yards since he cannot drive yet!...You think you might have to ease him back down to more attainable goals; especially when his first car will likely cost less than $6,000!

Friday, March 27, 2015

School Lunch

You know you're not single anymore...when you have a teacher planning day so you go out to eat for lunch instead of getting school food but your daughter texts you from school and asks if you could grab a Subway sandwich for her while you are out and bring it to school for her...and you end up doing so...You could have said no but after the discussion of college with her the other day you think it won't be long before she's not with you daily...You figure you can afford an extra lunch expense for the opportunity to show her you do care...and to drop off chocolate chip cookies to her as a bonus, too!

Thursday, March 26, 2015


You know you're not single anymore...when your daughter is applying for college (dual enrollment) and the first thing she asks for is your credit card...and then it begins...You understand that as you graduate with your own degree, your kids will be starting their collegiate adventures...You are just happy that you have the means to support your kids and to give them a chance to chase their dreams.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015


You know you're not single anymore...when doing your taxes got a whole lot more complicated...especially when you and your wife have jobs from different states...Yet you are glad when you see how much in deductions having kids give you...You just pray you get a refund on your tax return!

Sunday, March 22, 2015


You know you're not single anymore....when you know how to make your son laugh so hard he snorts out milk from his nose...You love to make your kids laugh, especially when they least expect it...You also know that they make you laugh all the when your son is changing stations on the radio and runs across a classical music station and says "that's my jam!" then quickly changes the station again...You figure laughter keeps the craziness of raising kids in check.