Friday, May 23, 2014

Six Flags

You know you're not single anymore...when you go to Six Flags with your family for the first time and you realize that your son and daughter (whom have never been to Six Flags before) are not quite ready for all the more adventuresome roller coasters that you usually ride...and you are too big for the smaller roller coasters they you end up spending some quality time on a bench with your wife waiting for your kids to go ride their know this doesn't really count as a date with your wife but you have a great time anyway...The kids end up having a blast even though you didn't ride Goliath and Superman...yet you don't really mind one bit...On a side note, your son does say that he thinks he'll be ready to ride Goliath and Superman with you within two more visits!

Pressure Washing

You know you're not single anymore...when your wife asks you to pressure wash the driveway and house before the big move..."Sure thing, honey!"...Yet, you realize you have never pressure washed anything in your life before...but how hard could it be?....At first you start on the driveway..."this isn't too bad"...but after 45 minutes you realize you hand is starting to feel numb...four hours later, you realize you feel pains in muscles you've never realized you had before...By the end, you have a driveway that looks brand new and you have a happy wife...You also collapse when you go to bed...ready for the adventures of another day!

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Dinner Table Conversations

You know you're not single anymore...when you are no longer embarrassed about the things your children say and or do at the dinner realize that it doesn't take much before a nice conversation at dinner can be derailed by some comment about a bodily first you look at your wife who just looks back at you as if to say "welcome to my world" have since learned how to maintain your composure and just ask if someone could "please pass the potatoes"...but deep down you know there's some comedic gold and you chuckle that night after the kids are in are also glad that most of your dinners are at home because you're not sure the rest of the world is ready for your children's sense of humor!

Monday, May 19, 2014

Movie Time

You know you're not single anymore...when going to the movies as a family does not mean you necessarily watch a movie with your wife...instead the guys go to see an action movie (e.g. Godzilla) while the girls see a family son has pointed out that in the past he would have had to compromise but now we can have "guys time" at the fact, your son asks for some special guys time at least once a whether it's fishing, camping out, movie night, or something completely random, you still have your guys time....of course when you were single, your time with other guys was with other adult men...but you'll sacrifice that for time with your pre-teen son any day.