Friday, May 8, 2015

Wedding Band

You know you're not single anymore...when you notice under your wedding band, your finger will obviously never tan, so you have a permanent pale band on your finger...You realize that you are most likely the only one who notices since you will never take off your wedding band except on rare occasions (swimming and mechanical work)...Still you are reminded that your body now bears the marks of your commitment to your wife...You just know that your life has forever taken a turn for the better and you cannot imagine walking a day without your wife.

Thursday, May 7, 2015


You know you're not single anymore...when your children get a cold and then you realize you are getting the sniffles...You realize you can't hide from the germs of your family for long...Instead you do everything to push through and pray that the weekend comes quickly so that you can sleep...You also claim dibs on the kleenex box until you realize there are no kleenexes left!

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Dropping Off at School

You know you're not single anymore...when you drop your son off for his first day of public school and you find yourself holding your breath a little bit knowing that he's off to a new world where you do not have complete control over his safety...It's not that you think he's going to be's just that he's going from the controlled home school environment to the general exposure of public school students and ideas...You realize that all the time you have invested in him is going to be tested as he is going to be challenged in his beliefs and his life views...On the other hand, you are glad that you are no longer his math teacher and have to teach him a curriculum every night!

Tuesday, May 5, 2015


You know you're not single anymore...when after every sporting event for one of your children you have to go to the bank to get more cash...The kid that is playing expects a Gatorade or Powerade during the event while the kid that is not playing expects to have the same opportunity to drink something...Meanwhile, concessions are not just a few quarters like they used to be back in the day...In either case, you usually get more money to spend it...Yet you have learned that sometimes it's ok to run out of cash on hand just so that it's convenient to say "no" with a legitimate reason!

Monday, May 4, 2015


You know you're not single anymore...when one of your favorites times has become watching "LOST" on Netflix with your family...Of course you don't dare try to ruin the story for them but you do like to show things to them from previous episodes that they might have missed...You love that it can feel like movie night almost any night since you don't have to wait for the next episode to air...You figure that when the last episode is shown you will have to find some other show to watch, maybe Macgyver or A-Team...But meanwhile you enjoy having the entire family in one room for one complete hour!

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Travelling Weekend

You know you're not single anymore...when your entire weekend is spent transporting your kids from one end of the county to another...In fact you even cross over the State lines a few times...You are grateful they travel well...except don't be late...You kids will never leave it alone if you are getting them late to one of their functions, even though they may have been the ones who were the last to get into the car when you are about to leave!