Saturday, July 11, 2015

Car Insurance

You know you're not single anymore...when you find out your car insurance just went up by $125 per _month_ because you have a 16 year old driver in the house...You figure that your insurance has just about tripled overnight...and you are reminded that you have a son who is only 2 1/2 years younger coming right behind your daughter... You tell your son that he can't turn 16 for at least 5 more years...You don't even ask about how much insurance could be for a new driver with an additional vehicle in the house!...Meanwhile you remember that with college in the next two years, the expenses you pay now are just minor bumps in the road!

Thursday, July 9, 2015


You know you're not single anymore...when you watch "Despicable Me" as a family so that you are caught up for the "Minions" movie...Somehow you missed this particular movie when it came out a few years ago...But now you are ready to go see the sequel...Although you hear there was a "Despicable Me 2" that was released, too...You are amazed at what you have missed in life all these years!

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Washing Blankets

You know you're not single anymore...when you are constantly washing blankets because your son wraps your dog in them...Of course you used to have one blanket, but now there's six for use whenever anyone wants to watch a movie...Yet you constantly see your son lying on the floor with the dog wrapped up in a blanket...Your dog doesn't seem to mind the attention but your wife minds when she smells dog every time she picks up a blanket to use...So you find yourself washing blankets at least once a week which takes a while since each blanket has to be washed by itself...Yet, at least your wife is happy.

Monday, July 6, 2015

Ceiling Fans

You know you're not single anymore...when it has become a priority to install ceiling fans in every room in your house...When you were single, you did not even use every room of your house!...You have installed so many fans, you completed the last install in half the time it took for the first fan...You have also memorized which circuit breaker goes to which room in the house...Meanwhile not only have you decreased your monthly power bill in the summer, you have a much happier family to deal with during the hot months!

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Back Seat

You know you're not single anymore...when you have to ride in the back seat of your car because your wife wants to drive over the mountain to avoid getting sick and your daughter wants to control the radio in the passenger seat...Your son looks at you and says "I guess us guys are stuck in the back!"...True enough, you do notice that your kids do not seem to argue as much when they are not sitting next to each other...and you get a nice nap while sitting in the back...In general you drive 97% of the time, but it was nice to take a break on this last trip...of course, you noticed that you started to get a little queasy on the turns on the mountain, too!