Friday, June 26, 2015

Quiet Day

You know you're not single anymore...when you realize how unusual it is to have a quiet house...You are having one of those rare days when your wife and kids are gone from the house and you are getting some work done at home...You find that what used to be solace for you is not so anymore...You deep down like it for someone else to be home even though you might not get as much work done as you used to do when you were single...You are grateful that you do not live alone anymore and that your family means so much to you!

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Clean Truck

You know you're not single anymore...when you come home and your daughter takes your truck and washes it...Of course in the span of her fifteenth year, she has driven your truck many hours, almost as much as you have...In fact, there is a good chance that the truck will become her primary vehicle for a while after she gets her license...I guess as long as she doesn't start decorating the inside of the truck you figure you still claim it as your own...Meanwhile, you are happy that you have a clean truck and appreciate her sweetness for taking care of it.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Family Summer Vacation

You know you're not single anymore...when you have been planning a summer vacation with your family for about a year and it's only a few days away...Your kids have been continuously talking about all the events they will get to do on this beach vacation trip...You consider that this is the first time as a family you will be together for a summer vacation and you are happy that you and your wife have been saving up for this vacation for quite some time...You at least wonder how the 7 hour car trip will be but you are so thankful for portable DVD players!

Monday, June 22, 2015

New Phone

You know you're not single anymore...when your wife gets so tired of your old phone not working that she single-handedly goes to the wireless carrier store and convinces them to upgrade your phone well before the upgrade date was to be applied...You've tried to talk to the company before but they were not sympathetic that you used your upgrade for your wife's phone a year ago when her phone died two months after you bought a contract but a week after the warranty was up...In either case, she worked so much magic that you get a new phone for only two extra dollars per month...Now there's no excuse to miss any phone call from her!

Guy's Meal

You know you're not single anymore...when for dinner your son asks for you to take him to Zaxby's, but when you go up to the counter, he looks at you and says "this meal is on me!"...You realize he's mowed a few yards and has just about one hundred dollars to his name in his savings account, so a fifteen dollar meal is a big deal...Yet you would never rob him of the blessing of giving so you graciously accept...After the meal, he asks you if you would like a milkshake...You decline but he says he's going to get one...With his wallet still out he heads to the counter, but you ask him if you can pay for his shake...he says "that would be wonderful!" and he sheepishly puts his wallet back into his back pocket.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

2nd Father's Day

You know you're not single anymore...when you wake up on Father's Day and you feel such incredible gratitude to your wife for saying "yes" to you in marriage which made you not only a husband but an instantaneous father of two of the best kids in all of the world...You realize that every day is Father's Day when your daughter and son wake up and give you a hug in the morning...that you get the opportunity to be with your kids as they journey the last few steps from childhood to young adulthood...You treasure every day with your family but in the quiet moments you are overwhelmed with the grace of God and His gifts that He has blessed you with...You pray that you would always be the Dad your kids need each day and even when you make mistakes or misjudgments you would learn and improve...and that ultimately your kids will see God's love through you.