Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Empty Cereal Boxes

You know you're not single anymore....when you reach for a box of your favorite cereal in the pantry and realize that the box is after a few murmurs under your breath you reach for your second favorite box of cereal and that is empty, too...Does anyone throw away empty cereal boxes anymore???....A few more murmurs later you finally end up with a cereal that your wife loves and is way too "healthy" for your own then go to the refrigerator and discover that there's only a gulp of milk in the gallon container of milk you bought just two days ago....What the heck?!?....You remember that you were also at the grocery store even yesterday to pick up some food and would have easily picked up some more cereal and milk had their empty boxes and containers been removed from the pantry and you wonder, why does it occur to anyone to put empty containers back in the pantry/fridge?...Ah, you forgot Kid's Code Rule #27: You can never be the last one to eat or drink something; always leave a microscopic amount in the box so that you can never be blamed for finishing off the item!...You wonder where you can buy a copy of the Kid's Code Rule Book soon!


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