Thursday, June 5, 2014


You know you're not single anymore...when as you are eating breakfast, your daughter comes up from behind and gives you a big hug around the neck...You realize that for all of your adult professional life, you've never allowed a teenage girl to give you a full best maybe a side hug at one of your students' graduations...You've always guarded that area of your life (and you will continue to do so)...but today is this brief moment, you really do feel like you're a Dad to a young lady who is longing for a father in her life...You're happy and yet a little sad at the same time...You wish you could have been there for her when she was younger...but you're grateful for the time you now have with her for these last few years before she leaves home for college...You cherish the moments and thank God for your daughter every day.


At June 8, 2014 at 6:44 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I understand guarding yourself from the hugs with students and such but with your daughter..................bear hugs mean everything!!! give lots of hugs!


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