Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Empty Wallet

You know you're not single anymore...when you used to have cash in your remember the days when you would get $60 cash back from your deposited monthly paycheck and you still had plenty of cash by the end of the, if your wallet has $60 cash in it, you feel like you've won the realize the cost of _everything_ has exploded...when you take the kids to the movies, you give them a $20 bill for concessions thinking that you'll get $8 or $9 back...oh no no no!...Your kids come back with one box of twizzlers, one box of sour patch, drinks and $1...Really?!?...The next time you go to the movies, you and your kids look like you have all gained fifteen pounds in the abdomen because you bought $10 worth of food at Quick Trip and you're sneaking it in to the movie theater under your jackets... You know you're kind of breaking the rules, but you remind yourself of that steak dinner that you spent on twizzlers and sour patch!... Even today that expense still stings.


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