Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Generational Parenting

You know you're not single anymore...when your kids change their minds so easily that you finally tell them "whatever you decide now is what the decision will be!"...You realize you have done the unthinkable, the one thing you told yourself you would never do, but yet you are there...You are becoming your parents and not the part you have come to look back and respect after all these years!...Specifically, all those sayings that you would roll your eyes when your parents were not watching you are now saying them back to your kids...and you know your kids are rolling their eyes when you are not watching when you say them....because you did the same way back when...which ultimately means your parents knew you were rolling your eyes because they must have rolled their eyes the same way with your grandparents!...This is a time-honored tradition that must be passed down from one generation to the next...I guess the next thing you'll be telling your kids is "because I told you so!"


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